All designs and End Products are Non fungible items by their definition. All items are tradeable to their respective token so all Designs to 3DR-D and all End Products to 3DR-EP and all Raw Materials to 3DR-RM.
If you want to sell a design you have to use the bid process, if you want to someone else to make a design you have to fund it via the bounty process.
In order to sell a design that you have already created you have to put it up for sale as a NFT you could also use our Discord server in the short run in the #bid channel, there it would be a round about way to get it done, but in the beginning a lot will be done this way, in the long run everything will be codified.
In order to put up a NFT for sale right now we are using the largest NFT marketplace, first create a account on Polygon (which is the chain we are currently using) See instructions in General overview on how to do this, there are also many better instructions online, so read those.
Then just log in and make and sell and bid on NFTs in the 3D Robot Design collection. These will all be design to be built by the robot, in the long run!
To create a bid we will work on a better interface for that and are looking for solutions out there to make it happen, for now the easiest way is to just go onto our discord server, and make a bounty for your design in the #bid channel.
And that is all for now, see it is easy!
Now let's make this grow and get amazing things done!
Last updated